Using Sharpen and eclipse : error “Application ”sh

2019-02-07 13:17发布



I'm currently doing a benchmark of solutions to convert java code to c# We have a fast evolving java software and wan't to port some low level (not ui) apis with a tool, because maintaining all changes between versions could prove really tiresome... Anyway, I've been trying to use Sharpen, as I heard it's a pretty wicked tool used by some mono "freaks" to keep some versions of their tools in check.

What I did

  • For this purpose, I tried several tutorials I found on internet, the easiest to understand being
  • As the link he gives for a pre-build sharpen plugin is now broken, I build my own version of the plugin using sources and instructions found here :


The plugin build perfectly, and is installed in my eclipse folder. But when I try to run the ant script after setting everything up, I get an error :

java.lang.RuntimeException: Application "sharpen.core.application" could not be found in the registry.


Well. I'm lost here. I have no idea what that means.

  • I'm using Windows 7 64bit
  • I'm using Eclipse 3.7
  • I'm using java 6 sdk 64 bit

If anyone ran into this and has a solution... That be helpful.

Thanks in advance.


Initially I tried the same approach as you did, with the same result. But if you follow the instructions in the file, section Setting things up, you should be able to launch a secondary Eclipse applications with the sharpen.core and sharpen.xobotos plug-ins included.

You could then import your Java project subject to conversion into the secondary Eclipse app, provided that you have included a Sharpen Xobot builder command and nature into your project file, like this .project file in the XobotOS/android folder. I edited the .project file manually before importing the project, but I assume you can also configure this from within Eclipse?

The configuration files provided by Paul Du Bois are not applicable, instead you will need to copy and edit the converter-config.xml file from the XobotOS/android folder. This file in turn references a file in the app sub-folder, which probably also needs to be copied and edited.

This is basically as far as I have been able to take it until now. I have been able to edit the configuration files to enable the converter to run, but at this point I have only been able to generate C# stubs. If you or someone else manages to take this even further, I would be happy to learn how to generate real C# files using the XobotOS Sharpen converter.


Asked Miguel de Icaza if there were any instructions for converting arbitrary Java projects using the XobotOS Sharpen version. He responded that there are many hard-coded details in this version that makes it difficult to apply to arbitrary projects. At this stage he recommends Lluis Sanchez' Sharpen version to be used instead.

BTW, the NGit library has been moved to here. You will find a fully functional sharpen plug-in for Eclipse in the gen/plugins sub-folder.


Note that you need to have the Plug-in Development Environment software installed in Eclipse to be able to build and run the plug-in projects. IF you are running Eclipse IDE for Java (SE) Developers, you need to extend it with the PDE software.