With the R base plot, I can plot any geotiff with the following command:
For example, downloading this data, I would do the follwing:
setwd("C:/download") # same folder as the ZIP-File
map <- raster("smr25musterdaten/SMR_25/SMR_25KOMB_508dpi_LZW/SMR25_LV03_KOMB_Mosaic.tif")
How do you Plot GeoTif Files in ggplot2?
1: I've replaced the greyscale map from the sample files with a coloured map to ilustrate the problem of the missing colortable.
2: With the help of Pascals answer, I was able to adapt and improve this solution and make it more dynamic to the input tif. I will post the answer below.
Here is an alternative using function gplot
from rasterVis
setwd("C:/download") # same folder as the ZIP-File
map <- raster("smr25musterdaten/SMR_25/SMR_25KGRS_508dpi_LZW/SMR25_LV03_KGRS_Mosaic.tif")
gplot(map, maxpixels = 5e5) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) +
facet_wrap(~ variable) +
scale_fill_gradient(low = 'white', high = 'black') +
If you want to use the color table:
coltab <- colortable(map)
coltab <- coltab[(unique(map))+1]
gplot(map, maxpixels=5e5) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) +
facet_wrap(~ variable) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours=coltab, guide=FALSE) +
With colors:
I've improved the solution and created a little function that allows a direct import into ggplot (with the neat option of turing it into greyscale).
setwd("C:/download") # same folder as the ZIP-File
map <- raster("smr25musterdaten/SMR_25/SMR_25KOMB_508dpi_LZW/SMR25_LV03_KOMB_Mosaic.tif")
# Function to get the colourtable with the option of returing it in greyscale
getColTab <- function(rasterfile, greyscale = F){
colTab <- raster::colortable(rasterfile)
if(greyscale == T){
colTab <- col2rgb(colTab)
colTab <- colTab[1,]*0.2126 + colTab[2,]*0.7152 + colTab[3,]*0.0722
colTab <- rgb(colTab,colTab,colTab, maxColorValue = 255)
names(colTab) <- 0:(length(colTab)-1)
gplot(map, maxpixels = 10e5) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = factor(value))) +
scale_fill_manual(values = getColTab(map),guide = "none") +
Like I noted in my original question, I was able to solve the problem with Pascals input and this solution. This is the way the colors came out correctly:
library(rasterVis) # in order to use raster in ggplot
setwd("C:/download") # same folder as the ZIP-File
map <- raster("smr25musterdaten/SMR_25/SMR_25KOMB_508dpi_LZW/SMR25_LV03_KOMB_Mosaic.tif") # sample data from [here][2]
# turn raster into data.frame and copy the colortable
map.df <- data.frame(rasterToPoints(map))
colTab <- colortable(map)
# give the colors their apropriate names:
names(colTab) <- 0:(length(colTab) - 1)
# only define the colors used in the raster image
from <- min(map.df[[3]], na.rm = T)+1
to <- max(map.df[[3]], na.rm = T)+1
used_cols <- colTab[from:to]
# plot:
gplot(map, maxpixels = 5e5) +
facet_wrap(~ variable) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = value)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colours=used_cols) +