We are porting a seam app(2 apps) to one play app to test out play right now(well, porting harder scenarios...so far, so good).
We would like to be able to route on hostname though for the root / directory. For http://alvazan.com/ we want to route to our home.html page but for
http://*.premonitionx.com/ we want to route to the dashboard(which redirects to login page if not logged in).
Lastly, we want to route http://premonitionx.com/ to redirect to alvazan.com web page.
Also, we would LOVE a route like
Is that even possible in the playframework???? In dev mode, we have these urls right now for developing in seam to use
http://{company}.dev.premonitionx.com such that we can test on our local machine and test out different companies, etc. etc. (as you know many tests can't be tested if it is always localhost)
thanks, Dean