I have a pyqt gui and calling a long process (ffmpeg) which I put on a separate thread to not block the gui. I then want to update a progress bar when one command of a longer list of commands finishes. The problem is, that I can't call a function in the gui thread out of the worker thread. So I let run a ticker in the worker thread, but when I update the progress bar with a while loop and reading the ticker value, the gui gets blocked again. How can I solve this. I used currently python threading and not Qthread. Thx for any help!
import threading, pexpect
self.cmd_list = ['ffmpeg -i file outfile','and so on']
self.stop_proc = False
def spawn_ffmpeg_cmd(self):
for cmd in self.cmd_list:
if self.stop_proc == False:
thread = pexpect.spawn(cmd)
print "\nstarted: %s" % cmd
cpl = thread.compile_pattern_list([pexpect.EOF,"frame= *\d+ fps=*\d+",'(.+)'])
while True:
i = thread.expect_list(cpl, timeout=None)
if i == 0: # EOF
print "the sub process exited"
self.pgticker += 1
elif i == 1:
frame_number_fps = thread.match.group(0)
print frame_number_fps
elif i == 2:
def executeCMD(self):
self.pgticker = 0
threading.Thread(target=self.spawn_ffmpeg_cmd, name="_proc").start()
def stopprocess(self):
self.stop_proc = True
self.cmd_list = []
os.system('pkill ffmpeg')
self.pgticker = len(self.cmd_list)
def updateProgress(self):
pgfactor = 100 / len(self.cmd_list)
progress = 0.0
progress = pgfactor*int(self.pgticker)
self.progressBar.setProperty("value", progress)