Vbs Script to check if a folder exist and then run

2019-02-07 10:28发布


Hello I'm new here I need a script to check, if a folder exist and then run a file from the folder. If not, it should extract a ZIP file into a specific location. Thanks in advance!


Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set shl = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

path="C:\SomeFolderToExist\" 'path to folder    
exists = fso.FolderExists(path)

if (exists) then 
    program="myprog.exe" 'Program name to run
    shl.Run(path & program) 'Run a program
end if

For unzipping, I can only tell you to see this: Extract files from ZIP file with VBScript


Replace shl.Run (C:\SYSTEM TOOLS\HWMonitor.exe) with shl.Run (path & program). You do not need to specify the path and program there.


If I understand correctly : create a script: sudo vim script.sh

    echo "enter your path"
    read path

    if [[ -d "$path"  ]]
            echo $(sudo $path/yourprograme)
            echo "enter your specific location"
            read spec
            $ mkdir -p $spec
            $ unzip yourfiles.zip -d $spec


run the scrip.sh : sudo ./script.sh