I am trying to make cross-domain requests with Safari on Windows. My Safari version is 5.1.2.
This is a classical question. I read in many places that Chrome and Safari allows cross domain requests as long as Server responds with the followin header in the response
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
I have read this post. How to allow cross-domain requests in Safari? and many others on the stackoverflow site too.
However, none of them answers my question.
I am having problems with Chrome AND Safari doing cross-domain AJAX requests even though I am sending the necessary header back from the server.
I finally ran Chrome with "--disable-web-security". Then it worked.
My questions:
1) What do I do with Safari? Do I use a similar command line argument?
2) More importantly, can I someone please tell me whether cross-domain functionality is allowed in Chrome and Safari by default as long as server responds with the header or do I have to make sure that
a) server responds with a header
b) browser is started with a proper argument.