I know that this has been talked about many times here, and I have read most of these threads but I can't seem to get my script working.
Problem is that I am trying to use bitly api to shorten urls in google chrome extension. I am saving users login and apiKey in localstorage and before I do so I validate them.
The code to do so is:
login: login,
apiKey: apiKey,
x_login :"test",
x_apiKey :"test"
success:function (jo, textStatus, jqXHR) {
if (jo.status_code == 200) {
setItem('dg_BitlyApiKey', apiKey);
setItem('dg_BitlyLogin', login);
} else {
alert('Incorrect login and/or apiKey!')
I do have my permissions set to "permissions": ["tabs", "notifications", "http://*/*", "https://*/*"]
but I still keep getting:
Refused to load script from 'http://api.bit.ly/v3/validate?callback=jQuery17204477599645033479_1334062200771&login=&apiKey=&x_login=test&x_apiKey=test&_=1334062201506' because of Content-Security-Policy.
The script itself works outside the extension so I assume the problem isn't within the script but with the permissions.
What am I doing wrong here?