We are developing a desktop application in java using netbeans. we have installed the jasper reports for netbeans and are able to design the reports from the data in the database
There is a form which we want to print without storing the data in the database. Can we send the form data into jasper report?
Please explain
Yes. If it's just one value, you just have to set it in the parameters map of the report, and access it using $P{foo}
(meaning the value is tored in the map, at the key "foo"
). If it's a list of values you want to iterate on in the details band of the report, You may use a JRBeanCollectionDataSource
You'll be able to access each property (throught its getter method) of the beans in the collection: $F{foo}
will call your bean's getFoo()
method to get the field value.
JasperFillManager.fillReportToFile(jr, para, new JRemptyDataSource());
if you don't write new JRemptyDataSource() a message will appear that the document has no pages
and inside your report create a field and in field expression put your parameter (the parameter name should have the same key value )