I have the following function that exports an html to excel:
function generateexcel(tableid) {
var table= document.getElementById(tableid);
var html = table.outerHTML;
window.open('data:application/vnd.ms-excel,' + encodeURIComponent(html));
One problem is that the especial characters in the data are transformed to other symbols:
How would you fix this? Is there any character replace to the html to prevent it? Any encoding option?
Replacing chars is a poor solution.
I replaced encodeURIComponent for escape and works fine, but escape is deprecated since ECMAScript v3.
This issue occurs because encodeURIComponent works with UTF-8 and Excel does not.
Better way for me.
Encode data to base64 and export like this. I used jquery-base64 plugin from https://github.com/carlo/jquery-base64/blob/master/jquery.base64.min.js
And change code to:
window.open('data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,' + $.base64.encode(html));
If you don't want to use jquery, you can use this base64_encode function
"Base64 encoding/decoding is already a native function in modern(tm) browsers: btoa(str) and atob(str) are the functions that should can be used without any external reimplementation." - chipairon
Solved adding a replace for the problematic symbols:
function generateexcel(tableid) {
var table= document.getElementById(tableid);
var html = table.outerHTML;
//add more symbols if needed...
while (html.indexOf('á') != -1) html = html.replace('á', 'á');
while (html.indexOf('é') != -1) html = html.replace('é', 'é');
while (html.indexOf('í') != -1) html = html.replace('í', 'í');
while (html.indexOf('ó') != -1) html = html.replace('ó', 'ó');
while (html.indexOf('ú') != -1) html = html.replace('ú', 'ú');
while (html.indexOf('º') != -1) html = html.replace('º', 'º');
window.open('data:application/vnd.ms-excel,' + encodeURIComponent(html));
I have the same issue, just replace encodeURIComponent for escape.
function generateexcel(tableid) {
var table= document.getElementById(tableid);
var html = table.outerHTML;
window.open('data:application/vnd.ms-excel,' + escape(html));
It works for me...
Just replace encodeURIComponent
with escape
In my case I use generateexcel function previously posted, just adding Capital letters of special characters in order to make it work
function generateexcel(tableid) {
var table= document.getElementById(tableid);
var html = table.outerHTML;
while (html.indexOf('á') != -1) html = html.replace('á', 'á');
while (html.indexOf('Á') != -1) html = html.replace('Á', 'Á');
while (html.indexOf('é') != -1) html = html.replace('é', 'é');
while (html.indexOf('É') != -1) html = html.replace('É', 'É');
while (html.indexOf('í') != -1) html = html.replace('í', 'í');
while (html.indexOf('Í') != -1) html = html.replace('Í', 'Í');
while (html.indexOf('ó') != -1) html = html.replace('ó', 'ó');
while (html.indexOf('Ó') != -1) html = html.replace('Ó', 'Ó');
while (html.indexOf('ú') != -1) html = html.replace('ú', 'ú');
while (html.indexOf('Ú') != -1) html = html.replace('Ú', 'Ú');
while (html.indexOf('º') != -1) html = html.replace('º', 'º');
while (html.indexOf('ñ') != -1) html = html.replace('ñ', 'ñ');
while (html.indexOf('Ñ') != -1) html = html.replace('Ñ', 'Ñ');
window.open('data:application/vnd.ms-excel,' + encodeURIComponent(html));
Hope it helps...