I work with Nodejs Express routes and Mongoose to persist data. I did the core routes CRUD operations with no problem. However, when I try to perform some operations on one of the fields of the Model and then try to save the Model with model.save it says about .save() method: "undefined is not a function"
So, here's the code. The snippet number (1) works just fine:
router.put('/:myId', function (req, res, next) {
var ourUpdateData = req.body;
Model.findOne({myId: req.params.myId.toString()}, function (err, foundModel) {
if (err) throw err;
if (ourUpdateData.fieldA) foundModel.fieldA = ourUpdateData.fieldA;
if (ourUpdateData.fieldB) foundModel.fieldB = ourUpdateData.fieldB;
if (ourUpdateData.fieldC) foundModel.fieldC = ourUpdateData.fieldC;
if (ourUpdateData.fieldD) foundModel.fieldD = ourUpdateData.fieldD;
if (typeof ourUpdateData.fieldArray === "object") ourUpdateData.fieldArray = ourUpdateData.fieldArray;
foundModel.save(function (err, updatedModel) {
if (err) throw err;
So the Model has 6 fields: fieldA,..B,..C,..D, myId to identify as index and one field is Array of some values fieldArray. The example above saves the Model, works fine. However if I now try to do something with array field fieldArray and then save the Model it throws me "undefined is not a function" when I use model.save() . So the snippet (2) is the code that produces this error:
router.get('/:myId/:addThisToFieldArray', function(req, res, next) {
var myId = req.params.myId;
var addThisToFieldArray = req.params.addThisToFieldArray;
Model.find({myId: myId}, function (err, model) {
if (err) throw err;
var fieldArray = model.fieldArray;
fieldArray.push("New thing to FieldArray");
var newFieldArray = fieldArray;
if (typeof newFieldArray === "object") model.fieldArray = newFieldArray;
model.save(function (err, updatedModel){
if (err) throw err;
So that thing above throws "undefined is not a function" on using model.save(.. )
I also tried second variant of the snippet (2), let's call it snippet (3), incorporating the .exec() Also doesn't work, throws the same "undefined is not a function" on model.save(.. ) So the snippet (3) is this:
router.get('/:myId/:addThisToFieldArray', function(req, res, next) {
var myId = req.params.myId;
var addThisToFieldArray = req.params.addThisToFieldArray;
Model.find({myId: myId}).exec(function (err, model) {
if (err) throw err;
var fieldArray = model.fieldArray;
fieldArray.push("New thing to FieldArray");
var newFieldArray = fieldArray;
if (typeof newFieldArray === "object") model.fieldArray = newFieldArray;
model.save(function (err, updatedModel){
if (err) throw err;
I'll be greatful for any inputs and suggestions!
Ansering to the attempt of Willson:
Yeah, I know when I call model.find(.. it gives array, if I call model.findOne(.. it gives one object json
I tried to simplify my example and in my version I actualy did use the: "model[0].fieldArray = newFieldArray" to get the thing from Array fist (the array itself) and then assign to the new value.
The problem still persists, it gives me on model.save(.. "undefined is not a function " )
The current code is:
router.get('/:myId/:addThisToFieldArray', function(req, res, next) {
var myId = req.params.myId;
var addThisToFieldArray = req.params.addThisToFieldArray;
Model.find({myId: myId}).exec(function (err, model) {
if (err) throw err;
var fieldArray = model[0].fieldArray;
fieldArray.push("New thing to FieldArray");
var newFieldArray = fieldArray;
if (typeof newFieldArray === "object") model[0].fieldArray = newFieldArray;
model.save(function (err, updatedModel){
if (err) throw err;
This snippet (4) above gives on model.save(.. "undefined is not a function"