I have a component library. It has a manifest file that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<component id="AutoComplete" class="be.edge.components.AutoComplete" />
<!-- more components left out for brevity -->
I compile the library through FlashBuilder with these compiler settings:
When I use the compiled library in other FlashBuilder projects everything works as expected. I get code completion and when I select a suggestion from the code completion a namespace attribute is automatically added to the component, like this:
<s:Skin xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:ns="library://ns.edge.be" >
<ns:AutoComplete />
But: FlashBuilder automatically creates the prefix 'ns'. I would like to customize this to 'e' for instance. How can I make FlashBuilder use this custom prefix by default?
I have two reasons for this:
- 'ns' doesn't say anything: it just says A namespace has been used, not what namespace.
- when I use other libraries that also start with a url like 'library://ns.' FlashBuilder will probably start numbering the prefixes to resolve the conflict (ns, ns1, ns2, etc.), which would be even more confusing.
I also pass a config.xml to the compiler that has the following declarations relating to namespaces: