I need to know what to use for a destination path for PHP's move_uploaded_file function. (see http://php.net/manual/en/function.move-uploaded-file.php)
Right now, I have code that works fine. My domain's root directory contains the following items (among others):
uploads <-this is a folder
add-photo-submit.php <-this is a PHP file that uses move_uploaded_file
In add-photo-submit.php, I have the following line of code:
$target_path = "uploads/" . basename($_FILES['uploadedFile']['name']);
$target_path is used as the destination parameter for the function. This works just fine when I access the file through www.mydomain.com/add-photo-submit.php
However, I recently changed the .htaccess file to remove the .php and add a trailing slash. Now the PHP file is accessed at www.mydomain.com/add-photo-submit/ I think the PHP file is interpreting the target path as "www.mydomain.com/add-photo-submit/uploads/filename.jpg"
I tried using an absolute path, but it said I didn't have permission...
In the future I would like my root directory to be setup like this:
-admin (folder)
What frame of reference does move_uploaded_file have?