Get frame from certain UISegmentedControl index?

2019-02-07 06:50发布


In my app, I use a UIPopoverController and I use the presentPopoverFromRect API. What I am doing now is just setting it to the frame of my whole UISegmentedControl. However I want to be more precise than this. Is there any way to get the frame of a specific index in the UISegmentedControl?



If the segments are equal, why not just divide the width of the control by the number of the selected segment (+1 because numbering starts at 0)? EDIT: Like this

-(void)showPopover:(id)sender {
    if ((UISegmentedControl*)sender.selectedSegmentIndex == 0)
        [self.popover presentPopoverFromRect:CGRectMake(self.segmentedControl.frame.size.width/6, self.segmentedControl.frame.origin.y, aWidth, aHeight)]

It's over 6 (I'm assuming a 3 segment implementation), because you have to get the center of the segment, and 3 would put it on the lines. And if you do some simple math here (let's assume the whole control is 60 px wide), then 60/3 yeilds 20. Because each segment is 20 px wide, the width of 60 over six yields the correct answer 10.


For our project we needed the actual frames of each segment, frame division wasn't enough. Here's a function I wrote that calculates the exact frame for every segment. Be aware that it accesses the segmented control actual subviews, so it might break in any iOS update.

- (CGRect)segmentFrameForIndex:(NSInteger)index inSegmentedControl:(UISegmentedControl *)control
    // WARNING: This function gets frame from UISegment objects, undocumented subviews of UISegmentedControl.
    // May break in iOS updates.

    NSMutableArray *segments = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.numberOfSegments];
    for (UIView *view in control.subviews) {
        if ([NSStringFromClass([view class]) isEqualToString:@"UISegment"]) {
            [segments addObject:view];

    NSArray *sorted = [segments sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(UIView *a, UIView *b) {
        if (a.frame.origin.x < b.frame.origin.x) {
            return NSOrderedAscending;
        } else if (a.frame.origin.x > b.frame.origin.x) {
            return NSOrderedDescending;
        return NSOrderedSame;

    return [[sorted objectAtIndex:index] frame];


This can be done much easier without matching class names, providing that you use no custom segmented control (Swift version)

extension NSSegmentedControl {

    func frameForSegment(segment: Int) -> NSRect {
        var left : CGFloat = 0
        for i in 0..<segmentCount {
            let w = widthForSegment(i)
            if i == segment {
                let off = CGFloat(i) + 2 // Account for separators and border.
                return NSRect(x: left + off, y: bounds.minY, width: w, height: bounds.height)
            left += w
        return NSZeroRect


If somebody is searching for a solution for NSSegmentedControl, I've slightly modified @erik-aigner's answer. For UISegmentedControl it should work similarly.

This version improves the geometry computation for spacing and the code in general. Disclaimer: It was tested only for a segmented control placed in a toolbar.

import AppKit

public extension NSSegmentedControl {

    /// The width of a single horizontal border.
    public static let horizontalBorderWidth: CGFloat = 3

    /// The height of a single vertical border.
    public static let verticalBorderWidth: CGFloat = 2

    /// The horizontal spacing between segments.
    public static let horizontalSegmentSpacing: CGFloat = 1

    /// Returns the frame of the specified segment.
    /// - Parameter segment: The index of the segment whose frame should be computed.
    /// - Returns: The frame of the segment or `.zero` if an invalid segment index is passed in.
    public func frame(forSegment segment: Int) -> NSRect {
        let y = bounds.minY - NSSegmentedControl.verticalBorderWidth
        let height = bounds.height
        var left = NSSegmentedControl.horizontalBorderWidth

        for index in 0..<segmentCount {
            let width = self.width(forSegment: index)
            if index == segment {
                return NSRect(x: left, y: y, width: width, height: height)
            left += NSSegmentedControl.horizontalSegmentSpacing
            left += width

        return .zero
