I am trying to include the font "Hipchick" into my project but it does not work. I have tested a few methods and ended up with this one: iOS tips: Custom Fonts to try to solve this but it still doesn't work.
Here is some screens and code:
The font is added to the project: "hitch__.ttf"
It is added to the .plist.
It is in the bundle.
Here is the info about the font.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
NSLog(@"hipch___: %@",[UIFont fontNamesForFamilyName:@"Hipchick"]);
testLbl.font = [UIFont fontWithName:@"Hipchick" size:30];
testLbl.text = @"Frank Zappa";
I have tried "Hipchick", "hipchick" and "hitch__" but it still display the wrong font.
I would really appreciate any help possible.