
$rake db:migrate An error has occurred, this and a

2019-02-07 00:24发布


I am new to RoR and I keep getting this error message:

$ rake db:migrate
==  CreateUsers: migrating ====================================================
-- create_table(:users)
rake aborted!
An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

SQLite3::SQLException: table "users" already exists: CREATE TABLE "users" ("id"
INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255), "email" varchar
(255), "created_at" datetime, "updated_at" datetime)

Tasks: TOP => db:migrate
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

I've been searching for a solution for 3 days, but I cannot seem to find anything that works for me.

Thank you in advance for your help :) PS - I am running off Windows.


table "users" already exists seems to be the problem. Have you tried to manually remove the table from your database with some SQLITE admin tool?

Or you can include a remove table in your migration script (should be called create_users.rb inside your db/migrate folder). Inside def up insert drop_table :users :

      def up
         drop_table :users

         create_table :users do |t|
         t.string :name


Oh and I remember from my RoR time that the table name "Users" can cause problems later on. Might be this is related.


Not sure if you are following Michael Hartl's tutorial on RoR.

But someone has said there's a problem in the steps of the tutorial http://archive.railsforum.com/viewtopic.php?id=44944

rake db:drop:all <---------- will wipe everything then run rake db:migrate again should fix the problem.

Good Luck


Because the table already exists, you need to delete/remove it before executing the migration.

Easy, GUI way to do this is with the SQLite Database Browser (http://sourceforge.net/projects/sqlitebrowser/).

Click the button with the Table-X icon. Choose User Table click Delete.

Then run rake db:migrate

Bada boom bada bing


I had a similar problem, then i did => rake db:drop => rake db:create => rake db:migrate

worked perfectly.