I'm beginning to incorporate Alembic into my project which already uses SQLAlchemy table definitions. At present my DB schema is managed external to my application, and I want to bring the entire schema into my table definitions file.
In PostgreSQL I use a custom domain for storing email addresses. The PostgreSQL DDL is:
CREATE DOMAIN email_address TEXT CHECK (value ~ '.+@.+')
How do I represent the creation of this domain, and the usage of it as a column data type, in SQLAlchemy?
This likely far from a working solution, but I think the best way to do this would be subclass sqlalchemy.schema._CreateDropBase
from sqlalchemy.schema import _CreateDropBase
class CreateDomain(_CreateDropBase):
'''Represent a CREATE DOMAIN statement.'''
__visit_name__ = 'create_domain'
def __init__(self, element, bind=None, **kw):
super(CreateDomain, self).__init__(element, bind=bind, **kw)
class DropDomain(_CreateDropBase):
'''Represent a DROP BASE statement.'''
__visit_name__ = 'drop_domain'
def __init__(self, element, bind=None, **kw):
super(DropDomain, self).__init__(element, bind=bind, **kw)
@compiles(CreateDomain, 'postgresql')
def visit_create_domain(element, compiler, **kw):
text = '\nCREATE DOMAIN %s AS %s' % (
compiler.preparer.format_column(element.type_)) # doesn't account for arrays and such I don't think
default = compiler.get_column_default_string(column)
if default is not None:
text += " DEFAULT %s" % default
return text
Obviously, this is incomplete, but it should give you a good starting point if you want this badly enough. :)