I have some forums installed on my site at http://ironnoob.com/forums.
My website lives in c:\IronNoob and my forums are installed in c:\IronNoob\forums
I want both "ironnoob.com" and "www.ironnoob.com" to do a server-side redirect to "ironnoob.com\forums".
I'm using IIS 7 and I'm new to setting up this stuff so I don't even know what to google for. I know I can do a client-side redirect with HTML, but I understand that the server-side redirect is nicer. I've figured out how to install the HttpRedirect module for IIS, but if I set up a redirect in the root folder of my site to my forums folder, I get a circular redirect error when visiting ironnoob.com.
HTTP Redirect Settings:
- root directory selected in Connections pane of ISS
- Check "Redirect requests to this destination"
- destination = http://somesite.com/forums
- Check "redirect all requests to the exact location"
- Check "only redirect requests to content in this directory (not subdirectories)"
- Status code: Permanent (301)
Why is it redirecting subdirectories when I told it not to? What is the right way to do this?