How to redirect console output to a text file

2019-02-06 16:36发布


I am executing a Perl program. Whatever is being printed on my console, I want to redirect that to a text file.


The preferred method for this is to handle redirection via the command line, e.g.

perl -w > my_output.txt

If you want to also include stderr output then you can do this (assuming your shell is bash):

perl -w &> my_output.txt


In the CLI you can use >, like this:

perl <args> > path_to_your_file

If you want to do this inside the perl script, add this code before you print anything:

open(FH, '>', 'path_to_your_file') or die "cannot open file";
select FH;
# ...
# ... everything you print should be redirected to your file
# ...
close FH;  # in the end


On Unix, to capture everything that goes to your terminal, you want to redirect both the standard output and the standard error.

With bash, the command resembles

$ ./my-perl-program arg1 arg2 argn > output.txt 2>&1

The C shell, csh derivatives such as tcsh, and newer versions of bash understand

$ ./my-perl-program arg1 arg2 argn >& output.txt

to mean the same thing.

The syntax for the command shell on Windows resembles Bourne shell's.

C:\> args 1> output.txt 2>&1

To set up this redirection in your Perl code, add

open STDOUT, ">", "output.txt" or die "$0: open: $!";
open STDERR, ">&STDOUT"        or die "$0: dup: $!";

to the beginning of your program’s executable statements.


If you want your output to be printed on console as well as logs then append this line to you code (e.g. before any print statements)

open (STDOUT, "| tee -ai logs.txt");
print "It Works!";

After last print in your script

close (STDOUT);

For error messages only,

open (STDERR, "| tee -ai errorlogs.txt");