Just starting with Node.js/Socket.io. Ultimately I want to serve the pages from Apache while pushing and augmenting some of the content with Node.js server. This is just a little test to see how it all works. Here is my setup:
- Apache running on port 8080
- Node.js running on port 8000
I copied the index.html page (see below) to their respective root directories.
When I open
everything works as expected and I can see the complete message exchange.When I open
everything appears to work (based on request and response headers, and Node.js log compared to 1.) but I can see no message exchange in either Node.js or Firebug log.When I first open the page served by Node.js, close it, then open the page served by Apache it works. I can see "CONNECTED", "DISCONNECTED", and then "CONNECTED" messages in the Node.js terminal.
The question is: how to make case 2. work?
<script src="http://localhost:8000/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8000');
socket.on('server calling', function(data) {
socket.emit('client response', {my : 'data'});
socket.emit('client calling', {foo : 'bar'});
var app = require('http').createServer(handler);
var io = require('socket.io').listen(app);
var fs = require('fs');
function handler(req,res) {
path = req.url == "/" ? "./index.html" : "." + req.url;
function(err, data) {
if(err) {
return res.end('Error loading page.');
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
setInterval(function() {
socket.emit('server calling', { hello: 'world' });
}, 2000);
socket.on('client response', function(data) {
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
socket.on('client calling', function(data) {
I'm aware of the following questions on SO:
- Node.js + Socket.io + Apache
- node.js and apache on different servers
but I still cannot make it work...
I've tried:
- "change the path to /socket.io-client/dist/socket.io.js"
In the browser: ReferenceError: io is not defined. When I go to http://localhost:8000/socket.io-client/dist/socket.io.js
I get Welcome to socket.io. response.
In the server log: info - unhandled socket.io url
- "serve the socket.io.js from your Apache static server"
How would that work? Apache does not know how to handle the /socket.io/socket.io.js
and node_modules
- dark_ruby suggested setting up a proxy
I changed the script source in the index.html page in Apache root directory to:
<script src="http://localhost:8080/socket.io/"></script>
In Apache config, I added:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
ProxyPass /socket.io/ http://localhost:8000/socket.io/socket.io.js
With such configuration opening http://localhost:8080
had the same result as in 2. above:
$ node node-server.js
info - socket.io started
debug - served static content /socket.io.js
debug - client authorized
info - handshake authorized U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - setting request GET /socket.io/1/websocket/U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - set heartbeat interval for client U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - client authorized for
debug - websocket writing 1::
debug - emitting heartbeat for client U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - websocket writing 2::
debug - set heartbeat timeout for client U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - got heartbeat packet
debug - cleared heartbeat timeout for client U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - set heartbeat interval for client U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
info - transport end (undefined)
debug - set close timeout for client U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - cleared close timeout for client U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - cleared heartbeat interval for client U9xPRw_0rRpsv-K9qVkS
debug - discarding transport
i.e. no messages.