
Live reload with Asp.Net 5

2019-02-06 15:10发布


In Asp.Net 5 the development is faster because it compiles on save. But I still have to refresh the browser manually.

Is there a live reload option in Visual Studio, or should I use a gulp plugin for that?


You can enable BrowserLink and while editing your code hit Ctrl+Alt+Enter to cause the browsers to refresh automatically. Alternatively you can hit the browser link refresh button in the Visual Studio ToolBar.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder application)
    // Only enable browser link if IHostingEnvironment says it's 
    // running in Development.
    if (this.hostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
        // Allow updates to your files in Visual Studio to be shown in 
        // the browser. You can use the Refresh 
        // browser link button in the Visual Studio toolbar or Ctrl+Alt+Enter
        // to refresh the browser.

    // Omitted...

You also need to add the Browser Link NuGet package in your project.json:

"dependencies": {
    "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.BrowserLink.Loader": "14.0.0-beta7",
    // Omitted...


context => Mats made a new extension which refreshes automatically after SAVE button. Grag the VS extension from visual studio gallery.

Save your VS changes and the browser is reloaded.
