I want to be able to call an anonymous lambda from within itself using Ruby. Consider the following recursive block (returns a factorial). I know I can assign it to a variable, and that variable is within the scope of the lambda:
fac = lambda { |n| n == 1 ? 1 : n * fac.call(n - 1) }
But, I want to be able to do the following (for no practical reason as of yet, I'm just interested in exploring the language some more):
(lambda { |n| n == 1 ? 1 : n * self.call(n - 1) }).call(5)
I know that won't work, because self
is the main
object. Am I doing it wrong? Am I trying to do something that's not possible -- and if not, is this because of some theoretical restriction or is it simply not implemented in Ruby?
In the following example, the lambda is still anonymous, but it has a reference. (Does that pass for anonymous?)
(l = lambda { l.call }).call
(Thanks to Niklas B. for pointing out the error in my original answer; I had only tested it in IRB and it worked there).
This of course ends in a SystemStackError: stack level too deep
error, but it demonstrates the purpose.
It seems that anonymous function really doesn't have any reference. You can check it by callee
lambda{ __callee__ }.call #=> nil
And without reference you can't call this function.
I can propose to you only a little more clean variant:
(fac = lambda{ |n| n==1 ? 1 : n*fac.call(n-1) }).call(5)
In addition to KL-7's comment, here's a Y combinator solution:
lambda { |f|
lambda { |x| x.call(x) }.call(
lambda { |x| f.call( lambda { |v| x.call(x).call(v) } ) } )
lambda { |f|
lambda { |n| n == 0 ? 1 : n * f.call(n - 1) }
).call(5) #=> 120
You would normally split these:
y = lambda { |f|
lambda { |x| x.call(x) }.call(
lambda { |x| f.call( lambda { |v| x.call(x).call(v) } ) } )
fac = y.call(
lambda { |f| lambda { |n| n == 0 ? 1 : n * f.call(n - 1) } }
fac.call(5) #=> 120
Note that although fac
is being assigned, it is not used within the lambda.
I'd use Ruby's ->
syntax and .()
instead of .call()
y = ->(f) {
->(x) { x.(x) }.(
->(x) { f.(->(v) { x.(x).(v) }) } )
fac = y.(->(f) {
->(n) { n == 0 ? 1 : n * f.(n - 1) }
fac.(5) #=> 120
The y
invocation can be simplified a bit by using curry
y = ->(f) {
->(x) { x.(x) }.(
->(x) { f.curry.(->(v) { x.(x).(v) }) } )
fac = y.(
->(f, n) { n == 0 ? 1 : n * f.(n - 1) }
fac.(5) #=> 120