After some big frustration I did it! I converted my django app to an "exe" one to run as a single standalone app on windows (using cherrypy as a WSGI server)
But When I try to to set py2exe's option "bundle_files" to "1"
(i.e. bundle the python interpreter Python25.dll inside the generated exe) the generated exe crashes with a message talking about kernel32.dll
But when I use "bundle_file" = "2"
, the generated exe is runing like a charm, but must -of course- have Python25.dll as a separate file beside it.
Anyone experienced a similar behavior, can you please tell me what I'm missing?
Thank you! :)
Maybe you can try pyinstaller instead.
I did have this problem before and didn't find a solution ever, but pyinstaller meets my need too and works perfectly.
this post talks all about using py2exe to get a single exe file.
py2exe - generate single executable file
If you post some code i'll take a look, and your error message will help to.
I also faced similar problem. But mine is with PyGTK. Simple program has no problem with it. Although there is no straight solution, there is an explanation provided here.
It says:
This is based on the Inno sample code in the py2exe distribution. It has worked successfully for a rather complicated PyGTK/Twisted app requiring extra data at runtime (GTK runtime data, GtkBuilder files, images, text data) that just wouldn't work with bundle_files.
Here's The solution:
from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os
options = {'py2exe': {'bundle_files': 3}},
windows = [{'script': ""}],
zipfile = None,