I added Google Analytics by CocoaPod into my project, but my app crashed and gave the following error.
ld: framework not found FirebaseAnalytics
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
What should i do to solve this issue ? I followed this tutorial from google to integrate the Google Analytics into my project.
You are probably using cocoapods to add Firebase. Make sure that in the build settings for your target the 'Framework Search Paths' both for Debug and Release start with $(inherited)
The build settings for your pod dependencies are defined in a xcconfig file, if you don't have $(inherited)
in your target's build settings, the settings from this file will be ignored.
I had the same error, my Framework Search Paths
in Build Settings
were already set to $(inherited)
for both Debug and Release.
I managed to solve this with the solution here:
In other words, Podfile.lock
had some bad versions in it, running this solved the my issue:
pod update
pod install
You need to remove linked framework from project properties.
I had this issue and resolved it:
- Go to Info.plist -> Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths
- Verify/fix the paths. In my case, it was the additional Fbsdk search path that was causing issue (see attached picture)
I changed it to:
I also had this issue and resolved with this:
pod deintegrate && pod install
CocoaPods doc on pod deintegrate: https://guides.cocoapods.org/terminal/commands.html#pod_deintegrate
Maybe You have already added other Framework Search Path to Build setting,
Step 1: Remove all frame work search path in Build setting
Step 2: run Pod install
Step 3: Add others Framework search path (That's removed in step 1).
Now Run Project!