How do I replace a value in a JSON value in Play?
Code to illustrate:
def newReport() = Action(parse.json) { request =>
var json = request.body
if((json \ "customerId").as[Int] == -1){
// replace customerId after some logic to find the new value
json.validate[Report](Reports.readsWithoutUser).map {
case _: Report =>
According to the Play Documentation, JsObjects have a method ++
that will merge two JsObjects. So, when you have your new integer value, you simply need:
val updatedJson =[JsObject] ++ Json.obj("customerId" -> newValue)
As of Play 2.4.x you can use +
val updatedJson =[JsObject] + ("customerId" -> newValue)
(NOTE: the +
method was added already in 2.1.x but adds a duplicate field to the object instead of replacing the existing value in versions prior to 2.4.x)
Something along the lines of:
val updatedJson = if((request.body \ "customerId").as[Int] == -1){
val newId = JsObject(Seq(("customerId",JsString("ID12345"))))
(request.body ++ newId).as[JsValue]
} else request.body
updatedJson.validate[Report](Reports.readsWithoutUser).map {
case _: Report =>
One approach is, as Marc B says, convert the JSON to something like a case class, manipulate that, and then create a new JSON.
However you can also use JSON 'transformers'. Effectively what you do is build a Reads[SomeThing] object. This object is passed to the transform method which you call on your JSON object. It will change the JSON object and return a Success(result) or Failure(error) where result is the new modified JSON. Here's a (comparatively)very simple example:
using json of format: {key -> value}
def jsonXForm(value: String) = (__ \ "customerId").json.update(
(__ \ "customerId").json.put(JsString(value))
json.transform(jsonXForm(yourNewValue)) match {...}`
There is a decent guide here
I'm considering moving away of all of those immutable "JSON" solutions. It's just making the code a horrible mess. This is how it would look in SON of JSON:
import nl.typeset.sonofjson._
val json = …
if ([Int] == -1) {
json.customerId = 987938
a glorified version of Zeimyth's answer that uses implicit conversion
implicit class JsObjectEnhancer(jsObject: JsObject) {
def update(args: (String, Json.JsValueWrapper)*): JsObject = {
jsObject ++ Json.obj(args: _*)
usage (json must be of type JsObject and the implicit class should be in scope)
json.update("customerId", 1000)