ActivityUnitTestCase and startActivity with Action

2019-02-05 22:05发布


I try to test a Activity which uses ActionBarActivity (from the appcompat library). I need a custom Application to be able to manipulate the DI system to load my test service instead of the real service.

If I have my test written and call startActivity I get the following error:

java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity.

If I call launchActivityWithIntent the Activity starts without any problems but It is using my Real Application class instead of the Mocked Application class. Any ideas how I can fix that or how I can execute code after onCreate of the application was called but before onCreate of my Activity get's called within my instrument test?


The accepted answer didn't work in my case, but including something this in the ActicityUnitTestCase subclass worked for me:

public void setUp(){
    ContextThemeWrapper context = new ContextThemeWrapper(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext(),;


I found out that if I create a custom MockApplication and add the following code:

public void onCreate() {

I hope that will work for other people as well.


Remember that we are supposed to create reusable activities and by setting the theme in the onCreate method we are connecting the activity to the AppTheme.

The answer of @Akira Speirs is the best option in my opinion even though we need to remember to update the test if the theme is changed in the AndroidManifest.


ActivityUnitTestCase.startActivity calls setActivity prior to dispatching onCreate so code below does the trick:

protected void setActivity(Activity testActivity) {
    if (testActivity != null) testActivity.setTheme(;

This could be an alternative to solution provided by @Akira Speirs for example if custom context needs to be used.


In my case I was testing a custom component as part of a layout.

Just calling getActivity().setTheme(...) in the test's setUp() worked for me.

I was also getting this error when testing on a real device.

However testing with a API level 23 x86 emulator with HAXM enabled it works and is nice and fast.

Here is a more more complete setUp() method as an example:

public void setUp() throws Exception {


    startActivity(new Intent(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext(), Activity.class), null, null);


