I want to move a group of svg elements using a G tag, but it isn't working in IE, even the latest version. It works in all other browsers. Please help.
Do I need to use some other way of moving a group of elements in an svg?
<svg viewbox="0 0 20 20">
<circle cx=10 cy=10 r=10 />
g {
transform: translate(10px, 0px);
-ms-transform: translate(10px, 0px);
-sand-transform: translate(10px, 0px);
-webkit-transform: translate(10px, 0px);
IE11 supports the transform attribute even though it doesn't recognize the CSS style.
So you can simply set the attribute to match the style using JavaScript:
var g= document.querySelector('g'),
transform= getComputedStyle(g).getPropertyValue('transform');
g.setAttribute('transform', transform);
if someone still needs this with jQuery this worked for me:
transform = jQuery(this).css('transform');
Sorry, curtis, no chance to get this working (as of 20.02.2015) - see official ie page here: https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/811744/ie11-bug-with-implementation-of-css-transforms-in-svg
if someone still needs this with angularjs, this worked for me:
.directive('ieTransform', function ($window) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
var elementStyleMap = $window.getComputedStyle(element[0], null);
var transform = elementStyleMap.getPropertyValue('transform');
element[0].setAttribute('transform', transform);
Use the transform attribute
transform="translate(10, 0)"
Works like a charm on IE.
If you want to change it on the fly, use JS