Is there Gradle “dependencies ” task for buildScri

2019-02-05 21:25发布


One can run gradlew dependencies to learn about dependencies of module tasks. It there a way to find transitive dependencies of buildscript dependencies?

Example: classpath '' depends directly on: builder lint
net.sf.proguard proguard-gradle
tools.base project-test-lib

As can be seen on MVNRepository. But this artifacts have their own dependencies. Is there and way to find those out without manually traversing whole dependency tree?

As a clarification, the classpath I'm talking about is defined by:

buildscript {
    repositories {}
    dependencies { .... }


You can use this command:

gradle dependencyInsight --dependency gradle

There is awesome tutorial by Udacity, Gradle for Android, but you can watch this video for more explanation.


Unfortunately there is no way to specify the build script configuration to the implicit dependencies task via the CLI. You'll have to explicitly define a task of type DependencyReportTask configured with your build script configuration.

task buildscriptDependencies(type: DependencyReportTask) {
    configurations = [buildscript.configurations.classpath]


Beginning with Gradle 2.10 you can now get information on buildscript dependencies via

gradle buildEnvironment


I think you're looking for Gradle's DependencyInsightReportTask

标签: java gradle