[removed] Render PNG stored as Uint8Array onto Can

2019-02-05 20:33发布


I'm trying to render a PNG image that is stored in a javascript Uint8Array. The code that I originally tried was the following:

var imgByteStr = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, this.imgBytes);

var pageImg = new Image();
pageImg.onload = function(e) {

    // Draw onto the canvas
    canvasContext.drawImage(pageImg, 0, 0);


// Attempt to generate the Data URI from the binary
// 3rd-party library adds toBase64() as a string function

However, I found that for some reason the onload function was never running (I had breakpoints set up in chrome and it simply never hit). I found that if I set the src to a URL instead of Data URI, it worked correctly. However, due to some constraints, I cannot directly refer to the image's URL, i.e., it must be loaded from the UInt8Array.

Also, to complicate things slightly more, these images may be megabytes in size. From what I have read, there are compatibility issues with attempting to use Data URIs for very large images. Because of this, I am extremely hesitant to utilize them.

The question, therefore, is how do I render this byte array as a PNG onto a canvas context without using Data URIs or referring directly to the image URL?

I've also tried using something like the following to manipulate the image data directly using the putImageData function. Keep in mind that I don't 100% understand how this function works

var imgdata = canvasContext.createImageData(this.baseHeight, this.baseWidth);
var imgdatalen = imgdata.data.length;
for(var i=0; i<imgdatalen; i++) {
    imgdata.data[i] = _this.imgBytes[i];
canvasContext.putImageData(imgdata, 0, 0);

It was lifted from a blog whose tab I have since closed, so apologies to the inspiration for not giving appropriate credit.

Also, while slowly hammering away at this thing, I ran into an error in Chrome SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18. Turns out that, as soon as an image is loaded inot a canvas using drawImage, it cannot be retrieved without some additional workarounds. A Chromium Blog post on the topic was especially useful


If you have the PNG data in memory (which I think is what you're describing) then you can create an image from it. In HTML it would look like:

 <img src="" />

In JavaScript you can do the same:

var image = document.createElement('img');
    image.src = 'data:image/png;base64,' + base64Data;

Note that you can change the MIME type if you don't have PNG data.

You could then draw the image onto your canvas using context.drawImage(image, 0, 0) or similar.

So the remaining part of the puzzle is to encode the contents of your Uint8Array into Base 64 data.

var array = new Uint8Array(),
    base64Data = btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, array));

The function btoa isn't standard, so some browsers might not support it. However it seems that most do. Otherwise you might find some code I use helpful.

I haven't tested any of this myself!


If you already have a UInt8Array, you should consider using Blob and createObjectURL; createObjectURL allocates a special URL that allows the browser to access an internally created blob of binary data as though it were a file being loaded externally.

Where it is supported, createObjectURL is an excellent alternative to huge data URIs. You may still need to fall back to use of data URIs in Opera, IE<10, and all but the most recent versions of mobile browsers.

var myArray; //= your data in a UInt8Array
var blob = new Blob([myArray], {'type': 'image/png'});
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); //possibly `webkitURL` or another vendor prefix for old browsers.


Full Working Example: (save as .html file and open)

1: Creates Uint8Array.

2: Fills it with debug pattern.

3: Pastes it to canvas element on page.

Output should like like below:

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title> U8A_TO_CANVAS </title>
    <meta name   ="author" 
          content="John Mark Isaac Madison">
    <!-- EMAIL: J4M4I5M7@HOTMAIL.com           -->
<canvas id="CANVAS_ID" 
         width ="512" 

var com     =  4 ; //:4 components( RGBA )
var wid     = 512;
var hig     = 512;
var tot_com = wid*hig*com;//:total#components
var u8a     = new Uint8Array( tot_com );

DrawDebugPattern  ( u8a , wid, hig              );
Uint8ArrayToCanvas( u8a , wid, hig, "CANVAS_ID" );

function Uint8ArrayToCanvas( 
    u8a, //:uint8Array
    wid, //:width__of_u8a_data_in_pixels
    hig, //:height_of_u8a_data_in_pixels
    nam, //:name_id_of_canvas_on_dom

    //:Get Canvas:
    var can = document.getElementById( nam );
    if(!can){ throw "[FailedToGetCanvas]"; }

    //:Get Canvas's 2D Context:
    var ctx = can.getContext("2d");
    if(!ctx){ throw "[FailedToGetContext]"; }

    //:Use U8A to create image data object:    
    var UAC = new Uint8ClampedArray( u8a,wid,hig);
    var DAT = new ImageData(UAC, wid, hig);

    //:Paste Data Into Canvas:     
    var ORG_X = 0;                         
    var ORG_Y = 0;                         
    ctx.putImageData( DAT, ORG_X, ORG_Y );  

function DrawDebugPattern(u8a,wid,hig){

    var com     = 4      ; //:RGBA==4components.
    var tot_pix = wid*hig;//:total#pixels

    //:Calculate point in center of canvas:
    var cen_x = wid/2;
    var cen_y = hig/2;

    //:Define a circle's radius:
    var rad_c = Math.min(wid,hig) / 2;

    //:Make a pattern on array:
    var d   = 0; //:d_is_for_distance
    var ci  = 0; //:Component_Index
    var pi  = 0; //:Pixel_Index
    var px  = 0; //:Pixel_X_Coord
    var py  = 0; //:Pixel_Y_Coord
    for( pi = 0; pi < tot_pix; pi++ ){

        //:Calculate index of first component
        //:of current pixel:
        ci = pi * com;

        px =  pi    % wid ;
        py = (pi-px)/ wid ;

        //:Decide if pixel is inside circle:
        var dx = (cen_x-px); //:delta_x
        var dy = (cen_y-py); //:delta_y
        d=Math.sqrt( (dx*dx)+(dy*dy) );
        if( d < rad_c ){
            u8a[ ci + 0 ] = 0  ; //:Red
            u8a[ ci + 1 ] = 255; //:Green
            u8a[ ci + 2 ] = 0  ; //:Blue
            u8a[ ci + 3 ] = 255; //:Alpha
            u8a[ ci + 0 ] = 0  ; //:Red
            u8a[ ci + 1 ] = 0  ; //:Green
            u8a[ ci + 2 ] = 64 ; //:Blue
            u8a[ ci + 3 ] = 255; //:Alpha

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