I am receiving the insert failed: Method not found
log message and it probably is the result of what is described in these threads:
- Meteor using a local connection results in error: insert failed: 404 -- Method not found
- Getting a error inserting in to a Meteor Collection
However, I'm not seeing how. Let me show the code in hopes that will explain more clearly. I'm using Coffeescript:
if Meteor.isClient
@VINs = new Meteor.Collection("vins")
scoped_vins = @VINs
Template.vins.events =
"click .icon-plus-sign": ->
console.log "this is #{this}"
realVIN = $("#your-vin").val().replace /\D/g, ''
console.log "user id is: #{Meteor.userId()} vin is #{parseInt(realVIN)}"
VINs.insert number: parseInt(realVIN), owner: Meteor.userId() if Meteor.userId()
@VINs = new Meteor.Collection("vins")
I'm totally a n00b with Meteor, but what I've gleaned from the above-cited threads is that the collection must be available on the client and the server. Is that not what I have done, or am I developing Coffee-blindness?