Google Maps Android API v2: My location marker alw

2019-02-05 13:09发布


Currently migrating an Android app using Google Maps to Google Maps Android v2; I want the map to display the built-in location marker, as well as custom markers. With the previous library, I used to draw the location marker 'below' custom markers, with


I can't find a similar option in the new API. Did I miss something?


After a bit a searching, I couldn't find such an option.

I finally removed the location pin, and added a similar Marker and Circle to the map; since it is a classic Marker, it appears below the other markers.


// ...
// get the current location with Android LocationManager in some way
// ...

// then draw it on the map when it changes:
if (null == getMyLocation())

if (null != locationMarker) {
if (null != locationCircle) {
LatLng loc = getMyLocation();

locationMarker = map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions()
        .position(getMyLocation()).anchor(0.5f, 0.5f));

float accuracy = getMyLocationAccuracy();

locationCircle = map.addCircle(new CircleOptions().center(loc)
            .strokeColor(Color.argb(255, 0, 153, 255))
            .fillColor(Color.argb(30, 0, 153, 255)).strokeWidth(2));