If I recall there is a command in Jasmine that will log the exact version of Jasmine I'm running to the console, but I can't remember what it is. I am positive I have seen this before somewhere, and now that I actually need it I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know what it is?
Edit: The posted solution of using jasmine.getEnv().versionString()
isn't working - to any mods reading this, would fixing that issue be better to start as a new question, or continue here?
To simply log the version number try:
if (jasmine.version) { //the case for version 2.0.0
console.log('jasmine-version:' + jasmine.version);
else { //the case for version 1.3
console.log('jasmine-version:' + jasmine.getEnv().versionString());
I use this little helper function:
this.isJasmineV2 = function () {
return (jasmine.version && jasmine.version.charAt(0) === "2");
//version 1.3 uses this syntax: jasmine.getEnv().versionString()
describe('Test to print out jasmine version', function() {
it('prints jasmine version', function() {
console.log('jasmine-version:' + jasmine.getEnv().versionString());
Source: Updating the version of Jasmine used in karma-jasmine
Judging by the code
should give you the version string.
Do above mentioned or simply go to jasmine.js file and look for function getJasmineRequireObj().version. This function is returning the version of the jasmine.