I would like to know how can i escape a # in velocity. Backslash seems to escape it but it prints itself as well
I would like:
I would like to know how can i escape a # in velocity. Backslash seems to escape it but it prints itself as well
I would like:
will yield:
anything within #[[ ... ]]# is unparsed.
If you don't want to bother with the EscapeTool, you can do this:
#set( $H = '#' )
Maybe, the following site helps? http://velocity.apache.org/tools/1.4/generic/EscapeTool.html
Add the esc tool to your toolbox and then you can use ${esc.hash}
${esc.h} will output # as per
this link
The set technique is a good way to get around any characters you need escaping, like if you want to have $name followed by "_lastname" then you can do:
set ($n = '_lastname)
and have this in your template:
and it's all good.