Find the smallest period of input string in O(n)?

2019-02-05 07:27发布


Given the following problem :

Definition :

Let S be a string over alphabet Σ .S' is the smallest period of S if S' is the smallest string such that :

S = (S')^k (S'') ,

where S'' is a prefix of S. If no such S' exists , then S is not periodic .

Example : S = abcabcabcabca. Then abcabc is a period since S = abcabc abcabc a, but the smallest period is abc since S = abc abc abc abc a.

Give an algorithm to find the smallest period of input string S or declare that S is not periodic.

Hint : You can do that in O(n) ...

My solution : We use KMP , which runs in O(n) .

By the definition of the problem , S = (S')^k (S'') , then I think that if we create an automata for the shortest period , and find a way to find that shortest period , then I'm done.

The problem is where to put the FAIL arrow of the automata ...

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated ,



I'm not sure that I understand your attempted solution. KMP is a useful subroutine, though -- the smallest period is how far KMP moves the needle string (i.e., S) after a complete match.


this problem can be solved using the Z function , this tutorial can help you .


See if this solution works for O(n). I used rotation of strings.

public static int stringPeriod(String s){

    String s1= s;
    String s2= s1;

    for (int i=1; i <s1.length();i++){
            return i;

    return -1;

public static String rotate(String s1){

    String  rotS= s1;

    rotS = s1.substring(1)+s1.substring(0,1);

    return rotS;


The complete program is available in this github repository