
dc.js permalink or href to share the visualisation

2019-02-05 06:10发布


I am working on a dataviz with dc.js (http://edouard-legoupil.github.io/3W-Dashboard/)

The main limitation is that when users find a specific fact while they explore the data, it is not easy to reproduce the exact filters they used in order to share their findings with other users (and initiate a discussion). A solution could be to have permalinks for each filter state.

dc.js has already the "dc.redrawAll();" to reset all filter but is there any capacity to freeze a certain filters state and pass it to a #href?

Ideally such href would be then shared through a share button or through the regular facebook/twitter sharing function.

Any code snippet or examples would really help!

Thanks in advance, Edouard


Here are the key methods that you will want to use:

  • dc.chartRegistry.list(): retrieves an array of all charts that dc has loaded
  • chart.filters(): retrieves an array of all filters for a given chart
  • chart.filter(): applies a filter to a given chart
  • dc.redrawAll(): redraws all charts after applying external filters

From there it's just a matter of serializing and deserializing the objects.

Here is one way to do that by stringifying a JSON object:

var filters = [];
for (var i = 0; i < dc.chartRegistry.list().length; i++) {
    var chart = dc.chartRegistry.list()[i];
    for (var j = 0; j < chart.filters().length; j++){
        filters.push({ChartID: chart.chartID(), Filter: chart.filters()[j]});  
var urlParam =  encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filters));

Here is the reverse process of parsing the JSON string and applying the filters:

var urlParam = ""; //have user input string somehow
var filterObjects = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(urlParam));
for (var i = 0; i< filterObjects.length; i++)

Connecting the two steps will depend on your scenario. You could perhaps save the string to the database or append it as a url param.

This code might be missing some edge cases, but it seems to work for the basic dc.js examples.