Does JAXB uses SAX or DOM internally?

2019-02-05 05:24发布


I could not find answer for this question , could anybody please let me know

Since JAXB is an higher level API , does JAXB uses SAX or DOM internally ?


Note: I'm the EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) lead and a member of the JAXB 2 (JSR-222) expert group.

Individual JAXB (JSR-222) implementations are free to choose the underlying parsing technologies they use for different inputs. The strategy we use in MOXy is to use StAX ( as much as possible.

There are ways to control what parser your JAXB impl uses. Below is a link to an answer I gave explaining how to get a JAXB impl to use a specific SAX parser:

  • How to disable DTD fetching using JAXB2.0

And another answer explaining how to ensure that StAX is used:

  • Make JAXB go faster

标签: xml jaxb