In my spring mvc app, i have the following object. I am trying to make a visual of data using devtool
in my app.
public class ConsultationRequest {
private Long id;
private String name;
private String email;
private String purpose;
private String programme;
private int year;
private String language;
private String comments;
private ConsultationStatus status;
Then i used the jpa to make the entity:
public interface ConsultationRequestRepository extends JpaRepository<ConsultationRequest, Long> {
The problem is when i load my application, i face with 2 errors:
Unsuccessful: drop sequence hibernate_sequence
[36morg.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport Sequence "HIBERNATE_SEQUENCE" not found; SQL statement:
Then when i open the
I cannot see the table. It seems that the in the boot process, table is not made.