I've searched a lot for this problem when debugging php using PhpStorm with xdebug, I found 3 or 4 links discussing this problem, but none of them are useful.My Xdebug's version is 2.2.3, and PhpStorm'version is 6.03. I could debug every line step by step except this one
$this->link = mysql_connect($this->dbserver, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass);
PhpStorm shows this error:Waiting for incoming connection with ide key "14841".
Here are my xdebug configuration:
; default trace output directory /tmp
xdebug.collect_vars = On
; default trace output directory /tmp
xdebug.remote_log = "/tmp"
I add these lines " xdebug.remote_connect_back=1
xdebug.idekey=PHPStorm ", also resisted ide ,it is still the same
i assure that the three parameters are correct.
You wrote:
PhpStorm shows this error:Waiting for incoming connection with ide key "14841".
But you use:
Those ide keys need to match. PHP Storm is a bit funny about it.
But then you also said:
I could debug every line step by step except this one
$this->link = mysql_connect($this->dbserver, $this->dbuser, $this->dbpass);
How are they different? Is there different behaviour, or just doesn't it stop?
For me, the debugger never connected and I saw the Waiting for incoming connection with ide key message because I set set my Server configuration to port 9000. This should be set to port 80 (or whatever other port the webserver is listening to! This was confusing to me because it's right next to the Debugger dropdown and I figured it was to set the Xdebug port.
The Debug port is configured in Settings->Languagues & Frameworks->PHP->Debug. Set this to 9000 or whatever you configured php.ini to be.
Just a note, I was using IntelliJ IDEA, but it's all the jetbrains platform.
I was having a similar issue in a local installation.
I fixed it by unselecting the setting: Use Path Mappings
Found under the Settings > Languages & Frameworks > PHP > Servers
I had a similar issue. In my case it was caused by misunderstanding PHPStorm/IntelliJ PHP debugging modes. There are two modes:
- "Local" PHP debugging
- "Remote" PHP debugging
When you use the "local" debugging, IDE key is autogenerated
This means, that primitive bookmarklets, created at http://www.jetbrains.com/phpstorm/marklets/ will not work in local mode: the bookmarklet contains a hardcoded IDE key, but PHPStorm will generate a random one!
The solution is to enable "Remote" PHP debugging mode (it is currently called "PHP Remote Debug") in "Run/Debug Configurations" and set the IDE key in the right pane of the create launch configuration.
"DBGp proxy" in global settings is probably not what you want; create a "Remote" debug config and set the IDE key there.