The program I'm building an installer for uses registry entries to store user settings. Right now I have it set to delete said registry files when the program is uninstalled, but I would like the ability to give users an option to either keep or delete the registry files upon uninstall.
I'm not the best scripter/programmer, so the simpler the answer, the better.
My registry/uninstall currently looks like this.
Root: HKCU; Subkey: "Software\FFSPLIT Overlay Filter"; Flags: uninsdeletekey
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\ffmpeg"
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\OverlayData"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\AForge.Controls.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\AForge.Imaging.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\AForge.Video.DirectShow.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\AForge.Video.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\default.cfg"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\DirectShowLib-2005.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\ffmpeg.exe"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\FFSplit Overlay"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\FFsplit.exe"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\FFSplitOverlayManager.exe"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\librtmp.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\msvcp100d.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\msvcr100d.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\NAudio.dll"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\RegisterFilter.bat"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\setting.cfg"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\UNRegisterFilter.bat"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\wavbuffer"
Type: files; Name: "{app}\"