On my site I'd like to do push notifications of comments like Stackoverflow does. Amazon SNS/SQS seems to provide a framework to do this but I'm having difficulty finding any code/explanation on the web for anything beyond a "hello world" equivalent.
From reading the AWS SNS/SQS documentation it looks like I need the following:
- post comment/answer to a new question
- create topic (for first comment/answer only)
- publish message
- subscribe to topic
PHP on the page where comments are posted (http://mysite.com/postCommentOrAnswer.php):
$comment=$_POST['comment']; //posted comment
require_once 'application/third_party/AWSSDKforPHP/sdk.class.php';
$sns = new AmazonSNS();
$response = $sns->create_topic('SO-like-question-12374940'); //create topic
$response = $sns->publish(
); //publish comment
$response = $sns->subscribe(
'https ',
); // Subscribe to notifications
PHP on the page where notifications are received (http://mysite.com/notificationsReceiver.php):
no idea, thoughts?
Obviously, this is not close to being a complete demonstration and probably has some incorrect function calls but I was wondering if someone might be able to help build upon this?