Magento catching exceptions and rolling back datab

2019-02-04 21:56发布


I'm working on a Magento module and need to know if it's possible to roll back a series of model saves. Basically, I have five models plus several from my module that I need to save one after the other:


My problem is that whenever any of these models throw an exception, I need to go into MySQL and manually delete all the rows that were saved. This is very unproductive.

I'm pretty sure that Magento doesn't have a rollback procedure that I can access in my context. For example, I looked in Mage_Core_Model_Abstract and in the save method, the rollback mechanisms are all protected.

So, my question is, is there some best practice for doing database transactions in Magento that I should be aware of?


I've seen the following used in core code, and it looks like its just what you ordered.

$transactionSave = Mage::getModel('core/resource_transaction');

The core/resource_transaction object allows you to add Magento objects, and perform a mass save on them. Give that a try, and I'd love to hear how this does, or doesn't, work for you in the comments.