I would like to know whether I can get source code a method on the fly, and whether I can get which file is this method in.
I would like to know whether I can get source code a method on the fly, and whether I can get which file is this method in.
Use source_location
class A
def foo
file, line = A.instance_method(:foo).source_location
# or
file, line = A.new.method(:foo).source_location
puts "Method foo is defined in #{file}, line #{line}"
# => "Method foo is defined in temp.rb, line 2"
It is new to Ruby 1.9, though. For Ruby 1.8, you can use this gem, and I'll copy this code over to backports
when I get a second.
None of the answers so far show how to display the source code of a method on the fly...
It's actually very easy if you use the awesome 'method_source' gem by John Mair (the maker of Pry): The method has to be implemented in Ruby (not C), and has to be loaded from a file (not irb).
Here's an example displaying the method source code in the Rails console with method_source:
$ rails console
> require 'method_source'
> I18n::Backend::Simple.instance_method(:lookup).source.display
def lookup(locale, key, scope = [], options = {})
init_translations unless initialized?
keys = I18n.normalize_keys(locale, key, scope, options[:separator])
keys.inject(translations) do |result, _key|
_key = _key.to_sym
return nil unless result.is_a?(Hash) && result.has_key?(_key)
result = result[_key]
result = resolve(locale, _key, result, options.merge(:scope => nil)) if result.is_a?(Symbol)
=> nil
See also:
Here is how to print out the source code from ruby:
puts File.read(OBJECT_TO_GET.method(:METHOD_FROM).source_location[0])
Without dependencies
method = SomeConstant.method(:some_method_name)
file_path, line = method.source_location
# puts 10 lines start from the method define
IO.readlines(file_path)[line-1, 10]
If you want use this more conveniently, your can open the Method
# ~/.irbrc
class Method
def source(limit=10)
file, line = source_location
if file && line
And then just call method.source
With Pry you can use the show-method
to view a method source, and you can even see some ruby c source code with pry-doc
installed, according pry's doc in codde-browing
Note that we can also view C methods (from Ruby Core) using the pry-doc plugin; we also show off the alternate syntax for show-method:
pry(main)> show-method Array#select From: array.c in Ruby Core (C Method): Number of lines: 15 static VALUE rb_ary_select(VALUE ary) { VALUE result; long i; RETURN_ENUMERATOR(ary, 0, 0); result = rb_ary_new2(RARRAY_LEN(ary)); for (i = 0; i < RARRAY_LEN(ary); i++) { if (RTEST(rb_yield(RARRAY_PTR(ary)[i]))) { rb_ary_push(result, rb_ary_elt(ary, i)); } } return result; }
I created the "ri_for" gem for this purpose
>> require 'ri_for'
>> A.ri_for :foo
... outputs the source (and location, if you're on 1.9).
GL. -r
I had to implement a similar feature (grab the source of a block) as part of Wrong and you can see how (and maybe even reuse the code) in chunk.rb (which relies on Ryan Davis' RubyParser as well as some pretty funny source file glomming code). You'd have to modify it to use Method#source_location
and maybe tweak some other things so it does or doesn't include the def
BTW I think Rubinius has this feature built in. For some reason it's been left out of MRI (the standard Ruby implementation), hence this hack.
Oooh, I like some of the stuff in method_source! Like using eval to tell if an expression is valid (and keep glomming source lines until you stop getting parse errors, like Chunk does)...
Internal methods don't have source or source location (e.g. Integer#to_s
require 'method_source'