<% using (Html.BeginForm() { %>
<%=Html.DropDownList("TopItemsList", ViewData["ListData"], new { onchange="[???]" })%>
<% } %>
In the above example, what value should you set onchange to? Or, how do you get the correct form?
Is there any difference with Ajax.BeginFrom?
try this:
<%=Html.DropDownList("TopItemsList", ViewData["ListData"], new { onchange="this.form.submit();" })%>
Every form element in the has a "form" property that is pointed to the form that contains this element.
Yes, using "Html." and "Ajax." has a difference. Ajax. means that partial page update will be used and the whole page will not be reloaded.
Why are you mixing your html with javascript??
Delete the onchange attribute and add some JQuery:
$("#TopItemsList").change(function () {