How can I choose to overwrite remote repository wi

2019-02-04 05:57发布


Basically, due to events beyond my control, my remote repo was moved - I did a lot of work on my local copy in the meantime and now I really just want to overwrite everything in the remote repo with my local files.

However, I don't seem to be able to do this. The closest I can get is to pull and merge, but then it wants to walk me through some convoluted process for merging. I don't want to merge. I want to overwrite. I don't need a new branch - basically, I just want a fresh start.

The remote repo is on unfuddle.


You can remove the branch and recreate it, let's say the branch that you want to overwrite is dev:

Remove the branch in your remote host(github)

git push origin :dev  

Then just push your dev again:

git push origin dev

I use Github for hosting, not familiar with unfuddle, but I think it'll works for the unfuddle, too. :)

Just as @melee mentioned, you can also use

git push origin dev -f

(not sure whether the -f is valid, but --force is OK)

git push origin dev --force

to force overwrite the branch. I remember I did it before. Thanks @melee. :)


How to do this for master branch, without pulling data down from the remote repo:

  1. Create a new folder, init git, add remote repo - don't pull or fetch!

    mkdir clean_repo

    git init

    git remote add origin <remote-repo>

  2. create (and switch to) empty local branch, add, commit and push a test file into this.

    git checkout test

    echo "test" > test

    git add .

    git commit -m "adding test"

    git push origin:test

  3. On github / bitbucket, change default branch to new branch

  4. On local, switch to master branch, commit and push to remote repo / branch

    git checkout -b master

    git push origin --mirror


I'm not an expert in github ecosystem, but why can't you just reset your remote repository url?

git remote set-url origin /path/to/your/new/remote/repository/url

You might also need to configure your up-stream branch by looking in here.

for more on git remote..., please take a look here.

标签: git unfuddle