Is it possible to pass a $_SERVER variable to a PHP script via the command line?
Specifically I am trying to set the $_SERVER['recipient'] manually so I can test email piping without setting up a mail server.
Is it possible to pass a $_SERVER variable to a PHP script via the command line?
Specifically I am trying to set the $_SERVER['recipient'] manually so I can test email piping without setting up a mail server.
On *nix:
$ recipient="" php script.php
$ recipient="" php script.php | grep recipient
[recipient] =>
Or, you can export it or setenv (depending on your OS), like
$ export recipient=""
$ setenv recipient=""
The answer by @sberry is correct.
...but because I came to this page looking for setting default values for the $_SERVER
array, when running PHP from command line, here is my own answer. Hope it might help somebody.
empty( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'localhost';
empty( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = '/';
print_r( $_SERVER );
I personally use the following.
Example: set $_SERVER['recipient] in my PHP command line.
With OS X
Append the following line to the file '~/.bash_profile' (create it, if it does not exist)
export recipient=""
With Ubuntu GNU/Linux
Append the following line to the file '/etc/environment' (create it, if it does not exist, see
How about setting up a dummy page called dummy.php with this contents:
$_SERVER['recipient'] = '';