Get-Service *sql* | sort DisplayName | out-file c:/servicelist.txt
I have a one line PowerShell script to extract list of all services running on my local machine, now, in addition to displaying "Status", "Name" and "DisplayName" I also want to display "Path to executable"
I think you'll need to resort to WMI:
Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.Name -like '*sql*'} | select Name, DisplayName, State, PathName
If you want to perform some manipulation on the selected data, you can use calculated properties as described here.
For example if you just wanted the text within quotes for the Pathname, you could split on double quotes and take the array item 1:
Get-WmiObject win32_service | ?{$_.Name -like '*sql*'} | select Name, DisplayName, @{Name="Path"; Expression={$_.PathName.split('"')[1]}} | Format-List
A variant on the WMI Query that may be faster (I just had to do this for an SCCM Client)
$SQLService=(get-wmiobject -Query 'Select * from win32_service where Name like "*SQL*"') | Select-object Name, DisplayName, State, Pathname
The other trick is to trap for the multiple SQL results if you want the path names without the Double Quotes (so you can action upon them)
$SQLService | Select-Object Name, DisplayName, State, @{Name='PathName';Expression=$_.Pathname.replace('"','')}
The big advantage to using -query
in the get-wmiobject
(or get-ciminstance
) is the speed of processing. The older example gets a full list and then filters, whilst the latter grabs a very direct list.
Just adding in two cents :)
Cheers all!
The Energized Tech