request.url returns me this : http://localhost:3000/page?foo=bar.
Is there a method I can call to get http://localhost:3000/page , or do I have to parse the string to strip get parameters?
request.url returns me this : http://localhost:3000/page?foo=bar.
Is there a method I can call to get http://localhost:3000/page , or do I have to parse the string to strip get parameters?
should return what you're looking for if you're not concerned about the hostname. Otherwise you might try:
url_for(:only_path => false, :overwrite_params=>nil)
I use the following:
It does not regenerate the path, and therefore gives you exactly the url that the end-user sees in their browser, minus query parameters.
To get the request URL without any query parameters.
def current_url_without_parameters
request.base_url + request.path