Is it possible to run a case-insensitive cypher query on neo4j?
Try that:
When I type into this:
start n=node(*)
match n-[]->m
where ("Neo")
return m
it returns one row. But when I type into this:
start n=node(*)
match n-[]->m
where ("neo")
return m
it does not return anything; because the name is saved as "Neo". Is there a simple way to run case-insensitive queries?
Yes, by using case insensitive regular expressions:
WHERE =~ '(?i)neo'
Another way would be:
WHERE LOWER(m.Name) = LOWER("Neo")
And if you are using the Neo4j Client (.NET):
.Where("LOWER(m.Name) = LOWER({name})")
.WithParam("name", inputName)
.Return(m => m.As<Entity>())
If anybody is looking on how to do this with a parameter, I managed to do it like this.
query = "{}{}{}".format('Match (n) WHERE n.pageName =~ "'"(?i)", name, '" RETURN n')
and "name" is the variable or your parameter