I need to insert a huge amount of nodes with relationships between them into Neo4j via REST API's Batch endpoint, approx 5k records/s (still increasing).
This will be continuous insertion 24x7. Each record may require creating one node only, but other may require two nodes and one relationship being created.
Can I improve the performance of the inserts by changing my procedure or modifying the settings of Neo4j?
My progress so far:
1. I have been testing with Neo4j for a while, but I could not get the performance I needed
Test server box: 24 cores + 32GB RAM
Neo4j 2.0.0-M06 installed as a standalone service.
Running my Java application on the same server.(Neo4j and Java app will need to run on their own server in the future, so embedded mode can not be used)
REST API Endpoint : /db/data/batch (target: /cypher)
Using schema index, constrains, MERGE, CREATE UNIQUE.
2. My schema:
neo4j-sh (0)$ schema
==> Indexes
==> ON :REPLY(created_at) ONLINE
==> ON :REPLY(ids) ONLINE (for uniqueness constraint)
==> ON :REPOST(created_at) ONLINE
==> ON :REPOST(ids) ONLINE (for uniqueness constraint)
==> ON :Post(userId) ONLINE
==> ON :Post(postId) ONLINE (for uniqueness constraint)
==> Constraints
==> ON (post:Post) ASSERT post.postId IS UNIQUE
==> ON (repost:REPOST) ASSERT repost.ids IS UNIQUE
==> ON (reply:REPLY) ASSERT reply.ids IS UNIQUE
3. My cypher queries and JSON requests
3.1. When one record requires single node creation, the job description looks like below
{"method" : "POST","to" : "/cypher","body" : {"query" : "MERGE (child:Post {postId:1001, userId:901})"}}
3.2. When one record requires two nodes with one relationship to be created, the job description looks like below
{"method" : "POST","to" : "/cypher","body" : {"query" : "MERGE (parent:Post {postId:1002, userId:902}) MERGE (child:Post {postId:1003, userId:903}) CREATE UNIQUE parent-[relationship:REPOST {ids:'1002_1003', created_at:'Wed Nov 06 14:06:56 AST 2013' }]->child"}}
3.3. I normally send 100 job descriptions (mixed 3.1 and 3.2) per batch which takes about 150~250ms to get it done.
4. Performance problems
4.1. Concurrency:
/db/data/batch (target: /cypher) seems not thread safe, tested with two or more concurrent threads which brought Neo4j server down within second(s) ~ minute(s).
4.2. MERGE with constrains does not always work.
When creating two nodes and one relationship with a single query (mentioned above in 3.2.), it sometime works like a charm; but it sometime fails with a CypherExecutionException and saying one of the Node xxxx already exists with label aaaa and property "bbbbb"=[ccccc]; from my understanding, the MERGE is not suppose return any exception, but return the node if it already exist.
As result of the exception, the whole batch will fail and roll-back, which affect my insert rate.
I have opened an issue in GitHub for this issue, https://github.com/neo4j/neo4j/issues/1428
4.3. CREATE UNIQUE with constrains doesn't always work for relationship creation.
This is mentioned in the same github issue too.
4.4. Performance:
Actually, before I use batch with cypher, I have tried the legacy indexing with get_or_create (/db/data/index/node/Post?uniqueness=get_or_create & /db/data/index/relationship/XXXXX?uniqueness=get_or_create)
Because of the nature of those legacy index endpoints (they return location of the data in index instead location of the data in actual data storage), so I could not use them within batch (needed the feature of referring node created earlier in the same batch)
I know I could enable auto_indexing, and deal with data storage directly instead of legacy index, but they mentioned from 2.0.0, schema index is recommended over legacy index, so I decide to switch to the batch + cypher + schema index approach.
HOWEVER, with batch + cypher, I can only get about 200 job descriptions per second insert rate, it would have been much higher if the MERGE with constrains always worked, let's say about 600~800/s, but it's still much lower than 5k/s. I also tried schema index without any constrain, it ended up even lower performance in terms of insert rate.