eclipse: overriding in config.ini

2019-02-03 19:52发布


I have a multi-user eclipse (3.4) installation with a shared master configuration area. Users need to override with their full name and the usual method (adding to eclipse.ini) is not suitable since the override must be per-user. I've tried setting in config.ini (inside each user's configuration directory): Tettamanti

but it does work, eclipse still retains the login name. The strange thing is that:

user.foobar=Luca Tettamanti

is correctly picked up. Is it possible to somehow override in this configuration?


This has been reported before indeed.

Why would you not use use a custom eclipse launcher (a script .cmd), which would modify the eclipse.ini, and then call eclipse.exe ?

That script could retrieve the full name with a comand like:

net user %username% /domain | find /i "full"

That way, in Windows, your custom launcher would run eclipse with:

eclipse.exe -clean --launcher.ini shared\eclipse.ini -vmargs

using the shared eclipse.ini, but specifying the value.

In Linux, to relay the contents of the shell variable USER to Eclipse, you need to do this:

exec eclipse -clean --launcher.ini shared/eclipse.ini -vmargs`eval "echo $USER"`


I'm a little bit unclear as to your intention.

The System property is significant as it should reflect the username of who ever invoked the JVM.

If you're doing this for display purposes, and you have control of the plugin that is consuming it, then you should probably use your own method of discovering the display name.

A custom config.ini or shortcut as described by @VonC would be suitable for this.