I'm currently trying to use msgpack in a project written in C. I'm using msgpack for the purpose of serializing the contents of a struct, which is then to be sent over the network, and deserialized back into a corresponding struct on the other side.
Condensed version of what I'm trying to do:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <msgpack.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef someStruct{
uint32_t a;
uint32_t b;
float c;
} someStruct;
int main (void){
someStruct data;
/* ... Fill 'data' with some data for test purposes ...*/
msgpack_sbuffer* buff = msgpack_sbuffer_new();
msgpack_packer* pck = msgpack_packer_new(buff, msgpack_sbuffer_write);
someStruct* structs = malloc(sizeof(someStruct) * 10);
/* ... Fill 'structs' with members containing test data ... */
// Serialize
msgpack_pack_array (pck, 10);
int i;
for(i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){
msgpack_pack_array (pck, 3);
msgpack_pack_uint32 (pck, structs[i].a);
msgpack_pack_uint32 (pck, structs[i].b);
msgpack_pack_float (pck, structs[i].c);
// Deserialize
msgpack_unpacked msg;
bool deserialize_success = msgpack_unpack_next
(&msg, buff->data, buff->size, NULL);
if(!deserialize_success) /* Error */
msgpack_object obj = msg.data;
msgpack_object_print(stdout,obj); // This seems to work perfectly, indicating serialize / deserialize works as intended...
someStruct deserialized_data;
/* Insert code to extract and cast deserialized data to 'deserialized_data */
// Clean
return 0;
The code listed is more or less ripped straight from here, which seems to be one of very few resources on msgpack-c.
Can anyone point me in the right direction as to a way to 'recreate' the original struct on the other side of the wire? The only way I've found to actually utilize the deserialized data, is to use the msgpack_object_print() call to print from the messagepack_object. This does, however seem to work, so I'm certain the data is there.
Do I need to somehow loop through the serialized data and use msgpack_unpack_next() with an offset to retrieve each someStruct member? Using memcpy to a local byte buffer?
Any help is greatly appreciated!